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Chinese European Legacy Mastery

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:44 pm
by ToxicFog
Long time ago, europeans and Chinese fought against monsters, until the last enemy was wiped out.
The temple exposed a curse and all characters such as european and chinese were caught in the curse.
The curse completely destroyed the city of Alexandria.
All characters fought suddenly to each other until the curse was over.....(Punishment for killing all the monsters)
So many dying characters....
The end of result chinese surives hard but european last surviver was wizard..... all other character's died in this war (R.I.P.).
The chinese mastery European is a legacy of the died characters.

You don't need to level up this mastery.

  • Here some information's about the mastery for every chinese character

    Image- Mask Skill
    Image- Dupe Skills
    Image- Emoji's
    • Mask Skill (Chinese)
    • Dupe Skill (Chinese)
    • Emoji Skill (Chinese)